Sunday, October 30, 2011


A question for all of you - what happens to water at 211 degrees?
The answer - not much, it's just really hot water.

Another question - what if you change the temperature of that water by only one degree what do you get then?
The answer - you get boiling water.

So you might be asking so what, what's the significance of boiling water?
Well boiling water produces steam. Steam is used to drive a steam engine. And the steam engine is considered by many historians to be the single most important invention in paving the way for the Industrial Revolution because it provided a convenient source of energy allowing major forms of manufacturing and transportation to grow and prosper.

In fact, still today about 80% of the world's electric production is by use of steam turbines.

So you see - an increase of only one degree changed the entire course of the modern world.

The extra degree is a simple and powerful message that reminds all of us of how a small amount of extra effort and attention can make the biggest impact on results.

So let's apply that principle to our business. What if we spent just one more hour a day on recruiting and sponsoring activities? Could one hour really make a difference? You bet it could!
That is 365 hours a year or the equivalent of 15 full days of sponsoring. Would an extra 2 weeks help you reach the 150 new cases needed to achieve profit sharing level 1? I am confident it would. Or how about inviting just one more person to the North American Rally? Could one person really make a difference? If that person turned out to be your next Manager, or the next Diamond Manager, it would certainly make a difference.
This incredible principle can be applied in so many ways to our businesses, our families, our health, or whatever goals you have set for yourself in 2011.

What may seem like an insignificant amount of energy can amount to a tremendous success, if we are willing to put forth the effort.
So in 2011 let's make 2012 our target. I challenge all of us to continue to embrace the NO LIMITS theme and continue to push for that little extra that will make such a significant difference.

Remember - it's only 1 degree!

Forever Yours

Rex Maughan
Chairman of the Board & CEO


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